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Good morning, beautiful! Rise and shine! Here are 50 positive quotes to put a continuous smile on your face for the rest of the day!
Our mood in the morning directly affects our productivity and what the day brings us. If you start the day grumpy, you’ll have more and more reasons to be annoyed and complain about as your day progresses. But if you begin on a positive note, you’ll be noticing good things worth smiling about all the time!
Positive good morning quotes are meant to bring you into this happier mental state so you are inspired to live your life fully and work towards your goals. For some reason, wise words put together by famous people can do miracles to our motivation when they pull at the right heartstrings. You can also share your favorite sayings with people around you to uplift their mood and have a positive day together.
Pour yourself a cup of something fragrant and delicious to sip on and let’s dive into these positive quotes for morning motivation!
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Quotes about a good morning

1. “It’s a brand new morning! The day is a blank canvas yet to be painted with the colors of life.”
How beautiful this quote is! I don’t know who said it but I’m sure it was an artistic person with a bright soul. We are literally blessed to have an opportunity for a new beginning every 24 hours!
Whatever happened before is in the past, don’t get fixated on the events you can’t change. Instead, use every morning to build a new foundation for a better life: put a smile on your face, find the motivation, and go live your wonderful life!
2. “I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.” – J. B. Priestley
3. “Everyone has highs and lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, ‘It’s going to be a good day!” – Lindsay Lohan
4. “Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.”
5. “Participate in your dreams today. There are unlimited opportunities available with this new day. Take action on those wonderful dreams you’ve had in your mind for so long. Remember, success is something you experience when you act accordingly.” – Steve Maraboli
6. “Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” – Wayne Huizenga
7. “The sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light.” – S. Ajna
8. “Morning is an important time of day because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.”
9. “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” – Alice Morse Earle
10. “Saying good morning is not what makes the morning beautiful, it’s the fact that you are there sharing each new day with the ones you love and that’s all the goodness anyone would ever need.”
Beautiful morning quotes

11. “When you do something beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.”
John Lennon
Who doesn’t love the Beatles? It’s been sixty years since they started making the world better with their beautiful songs and we are still listening and enjoying their creative expression. John Lennon has written lots of great songs that are now considered classic, so when such a talented person says something, we should probably listen.
This quote is about being yourself and expressing yourself regardless of anyone watching or listening. You are good enough as you are and you don’t have to prove it to anyone. Do your thing that makes you happy and this alone will make the world a better place!
12. “Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” – Douglas Pagels
13. “The sunrise, of course, doesn’t care if we watch it or not. It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it.” – Gene Amole
14. “Beautiful morning and the bright day started together, the light of dawn has spread everywhere; animals and birds are doing their own works, may the new morning brings new possibilities into your life. Good Morning!” – Rupali Mitra
15. “Now that your eyes are open, make the sun jealous with your burning passion to start the day. Make the sun jealous or stay in bed.” – Malak El Halabi
16. “Believe that you are beautiful and have what it takes to move mountains, and you’ll move mountains. Don’t allow yourself to be let down by what others say. Get up and do what you can do best.”
17. “A beautiful life does not just happens. It is built daily by prayers, humility, sacrifice and love.”
18. “Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” – Mark Twain
19. “No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.”
20. “It is in the early morning hour that the unseen is seen, and that the far-off beauty and glory, vanquishing all their vagueness, move down upon us till they stand clear as crystal close over against the soul.” – Sarah Smiley
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Good morning motivational quotes for work

21. “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”
Dalai Lama
What are you usually thinking about first thing when you wake up? Is it something like “Oh no, I have to go to work again, do that thing I hate again, and be stressed about the work stuff again…”? Or is it more like “Wow, another beautiful day! What can I do to make today amazing?”
Starting your day with an inspiring quote is a bulletproof approach to setting your mind for a positive and successful day. You can also use productivity affirmations to set the intention for getting things done today.
Every morning, choose one quote from this list and make it your mantra for the day. Whenever you start to feel negative, anxious or overwhelmed, re-read it and make a conscious decision to get back on track and be happy.
22. “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” – Abbie Hoffman
23. “This morning will never ever come back in your life again. Get up and make the most of it.”
24. “Today’s goals: Coffee and kindness. Maybe two coffees, and then kindness.” – Nanea Hoffman
25. “Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.” – Jim Rohn
26. “The dreams you had last night can only come to reality if you get up and work at achieving them today. Every morning is an important milestone for the next thing to achieve. So don’t waste any more time, get out there and do your best.”
27. “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” – George Lorimer
28. “Every morning I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work.” – Robert Orben
29. “Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to be a step closer to your dreams.”
30. “A morning coffee is my favorite way of starting the day, settling the nerves so that they don’t later fray.” – Marcia Carrington
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Wise good morning quotes

31. “Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth, every going to rest and sleep a little death.”
Arthur Schopenhauer
This quote reminds me about one of my favorite songs, “If today was your last day” by Nickelback. It’s not exactly what the quote is about, but the intention is similar: see every day as a fresh slate and make the best of it as you never know how many days you’ve got left. Don’t wait for the better circumstances as they may never come if you just sit and wait. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy every day you spend on Earth!
I’ll just leave this song here for you to listen to the lyrics:
32. “Today is a new day. Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!” – Steve Maraboli
33. “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.” – Richard Whately
34. “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
35. “I get up every morning and it’s going to be a great day. You never know when it’s going to be over, so I refuse to have a bad day.” – Paul Henderson
36. “We all make mistakes so instead of spending time dwelling on them, look to your mornings as a clean slate to start afresh. Time washes away everything in the end.”
37. “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis
38. “Today is a new day. It’s a day you have never seen before and will never see again. Stop telling yourself the ‘same crap, different day’ lie! How many days has that lie stolen from you? Seize the wonder and uniqueness of today! Recognize that throughout this beautiful day, you have an incredible amount of opportunities to move your life into the direction you want it to go.” – Steve Maraboli
39. “I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up.” – Benjamin Franklin
40. “There is no tomorrow and there was no yesterday; if you truly want to accomplish your goals you must engulf yourself in today.” – Noel DeJesus
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Good morning positive energy quotes

41. “Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.”
Yoko Ono
There are people who are sceptic on the subject of affirmations, and there are others who manifest the life of their dreams and live it every day. Surrounding yourself with positive energy is important for letting the Universe know the clarity of your intentions and clarifying the path for yourself. But it has to start inside, with a conscious effort to become happier and find a reason to smile every day.
While happiness affirmations are focused directly on you and your personal happiness, many people find general positive good morning quotes less intimidating. I love both tools and give you the options to decide how you’d like to improve your mood! Here are some quotes to fill yourself with good vibes and positive energy for a whole day!
42. “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn
43. “Every morning, I wake up saying, I’m still alive, a miracle. And so I keep on pushing.” – Jim Carrey
44. “I drink cup of sunlight every morning to brighten myself.” – Debasish Mridha
45. “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” – Maya Angelou
46. “I woke up early and took the first train to take me away from the city. The noise and all its people. I was alone on the train and had no idea where I was going, and that’s why I went there. Two hours later we arrived in a small town, one of those towns with one single coffee shop and where everyone knows each other’s name. I walked for a while until I found the water, the most peaceful place I know. There I sat and stayed the whole day, with nothing and everything on my mind, cleaning my head. Silence, I learned, is some times the most beautiful sound.” – Charlotte Eriksson
47. “Every morning has a unique story. There are always some seeds of possibilities waiting to sprout.” ― Amit Ray
48. “Let me wake up next to you, have coffee in the morning and wander through the city with your hand in mine, and I’ll be happy for the rest of my fucked up little life.” – Charlotte Eriksson
49. “Something special awaits you each day. All you need is to recognize it and make the most of it. Have a positive attitude throughout the day and then that today is going to be the best day of your life.”
50. “Look for something positive in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.”
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Have a good morning and a great day with these positive quotes!
That’s it! All 50 of my favorite positive quotes for a good morning! Make a good use of them by trying to understand the deeper meaning and shift your perception of a new day in case it’s a bit negative. Share your favorite quotes with your partner, friend, or a coworker to say good morning in a more unique way today!